What’s Possible with SocialNote

When I was a school counselor, I wanted to serve my students in the best possible way. I wanted nothing more than to make a positive impact on lives and contribute to the overall mental health of my community in the first place. 

That’s why I got into social work in the first place! All mental health professionals share the same burning desire: to make the world a better place, one client at a time.

And mental health work absolutely does that, but when you dream of helping people on a deep level, you don’t picture the mountains of paperwork, the files to organize, the endless sticky notes to keep track of, or the constant stress of liability and legal concerns that come along with handling such sensitive information.

As a school-based mental health professional, I was constantly stressed out about keeping track of student information at all, and keeping track of it in a secure way felt impossible. There was just no way to organize it all, and the time I spent trying to correct it sucked up so much of my energy that it almost compromised the quality of service I was able to provide.

I believe that in order to provide the best service possible, SBMHs need peace of mind around their client information. That way, they can focus on helping the students and their families. 

That’s what SocialNote provides. This is the software I wish I had when I was a School-Based Mental Health professional! 

Here’s what’s possible with Social Note:

Decreased burnout, better service
No School-Based Mental Health professional can provide quality, effective service if they’re burned out from constantly trying to keep track of information or worry of losing their license over security issues! With SocialNote, you simply enter the information once and be assured that it’s there, it’s safe, and that you can edit or add to it as needed without having to hunt anything down. 

Peace of mind for schools, social workers, and students
Liability nightmares are the last thing any SBMH wants to deal with. Not only does it jeopardize a counselor’s career, but a security breach can also be devastating for students who may already be struggling in school and life. 

With SocialNote, you can rest easy knowing that you, your school, and your students are protected, and you can all focus on building your students up while also taking care of yourself. 

Give you back your time
Keeping track of student information in spreadsheets, notebooks, docs, and sticky notes is not only ineffective and dangerous, but it also takes forever! It takes a long time to enter, a long time to organize (if you manage to organize it all), and a long time to find the details you need. 

How effective would you be if you could actually spend that time working with students? How many more students could you serve? How much more mental bandwidth would you have to dedicate to the students already in your caseload?

You could provide more experiences and opportunities for students and families. You could lead those workshops you always wanted to lead, those group experiences you’ve been trying to pull off for years, but never found the time or mental energy. 

All it takes is a simple tool to take the organization and security piece off your hands.

Learn more about the amazing things SocialNote can do for you!


How School-Based Mental Health Professionals Can Connect with Students and Cope with Grief